ATTENTION: This Tuesday and Wednesday we will be doing Fire Hydrant Flushes
Tuesday, 10/5/21: Residents of East Canal Street and all hydrants east to
Otto Street including Bendele Street. Plus residents of West Canal Street
and all hydrants west to Auglaize Street, including Walnut, Wayne, Sunset,
Westwood, Red Maple Court and Linden Lane.
Wednesday, 10/6/21: Residents West of the Little Auglaize River, including
Ottoville School, and Douglas Drive. Residents of Winkleman Street and all
hydrants East to Walt Street, including East, Albert, Evelyn, Miller, and
Progressive Drives.
Residents are encouraged to use smaller amounts of water during the day
time hours between 8am and 2pm. Should your water become dirty duriing or
after the flushing period, you'll need to run your water until it clears
up. Check your water before doing laundry.
Any questions, please call the Village Office at 419-453-3636.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Village of Ottoville - Utilities Department