Water Treatment Plant Location
120 Water Street
Ottoville, OH 45876
(419) 453-3147
Ottoville Village water comes from 2 wells pumped through an aerator, chlorinated and stored in clear wells till needed. The water is then pumped through sand pressure filters and out to the Village.
There are two elevated water storage tanks within the Village limits. One in the middle of the Village holds 100,000 gallons of water, and one in the industrial park holds 200,000 gallons of water.
In 1982 the Village built the water plant and since has had two upgrades. This plant pumps approximately 134,000 gallons of water every day. Ottoville water is tested daily to make sure the Village is safely meeting the environmental protection agency’s quality standards for drinking water.
The Maintenance and daily operations include

Wastewater Plant
200 Utility Drive
Ottoville, OH 45876
The Ottoville Wastewater Treatment Plant went on line in 1978. The Treatment Plant has been upgraded since then. Possible future upgrades would be, replacing the flite drives & flite assemblies.
The Ottoville Village Treatment Plant safely processes wastewater and discharges to the Little Auglaize River according to the environmental protections agency’s standards.