Effective immediately - March 19, 2020 9:00AM
Due to the circumstances that surround the COVID-19 virus, the Village of Ottoville Administration has decided to close the Municipal Building to persons entering the building until further notice. We will continue to have the offices open for our Fiscal Officer and Tax Administrator and both will be available by phone and email.
This also includes the Police Department, and Fire Station are closed to the public and walk-ins until further notice. The Village is still operating under normal business hours and operations but changes have been enacted by Village Council to maintain the health of its employees during this time. Therefore, in regards to the Clerk's Office, please call the office line at 419-453-3636 to speak to the clerk regarding matters pertaining to that office. For payments of bills, taxes, or other paper correspondence, please use the drop box that is located in the brick wall at the front door of the municipal building. If you need tax forms, they are located on our village website.
For the Police Department, no public walk-ins are permitted. If you need to speak to an on-duty officer inside the Police Department, please knock on the door and an officer will speak with you through the door or step outside if appropriate. If no officer is available, please call the Putnam County Sheriff's Dispatch at 419-523-3208 and ask for an officer or deputy. If possible and not emergent, please call the Ottoville Police Department at 419-453-3208 and leave a voicemail and the next officer on duty will call you back. Thank you for your understanding through these difficult times.
The Ottoville Branch of the Putnam County Library is also closed in the Municipal Building until further notice.
The regularly scheduled Village Council Meeting will be held, Monday, March 23, 2020 at 7pm. This meeting will be set up to separate all Council Members at the recommended distances. We will handle only those items of business to keep our local government open, approving bills, payroll, and readings of ordinances or resolutions as needed.
These are historic times, which we all need to be a part of, whether you like it or not, we ask that everyone heed the self-quarantine, purchase items that you need within reason, and be on the lookout for your neighbors. There is a food shelf at the Ottoville Immaculate Conception Catholic Church offices lobby for those who may need assistance with food and supplies. Our shelves at our Dollar General are still being stocked, and everyone is doing a great job of only taking what you need.
We will continue to post updates from ODH, and other sources of reliable news and data.
Stay safe, stay healthy.
Thank you.